Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. The normal level of our blood pressure is about 120/80 mmHg. When blood pressure rises from this level consistently then it is known as hypertension. But if you are hypertensive patient then you will need to strictly control your blood pressure. If you will not control your blood pressure then it may lead to serious diseases such as brain hemorrhage, renal impairment. You can take different medication to control your blood pressure. But blood pressure is not only controlled by medication there are some life style changes required to control your blood pressure. You can also control your blood pressure by making minor changes in your life. Some of the remedies have been in this article by which you can control your blood pressure.
Eat DASH diet:
It is also known as dietary approach to healthy lifestyle. You will have to eat healthy diet to control your blood pressure. You must take carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables in your food. But you will have to cut off sodium and fats from your food. Sodium increases the blood pressure. You should use organic food instead of canned food to control your blood pressure.
Do exercise daily:
You should do exercise on daily basis. Study has shown that if you do exercise on regular basis then your blood pressure level may reduce to great extent and ultimately your blood pressure may come to its normal level.
Increase your physical activity and reduce your weight:
You should increase your physical activity in order to reduce your blood pressure. The most common cause of hypertension is obesity. So if you are obese then you should increase your physical activity in order to reduce your blood pressure.
Quit smoking:
Smoking also increases the blood pressure as it contains high amount of nicotine. It also causes heart problems so you must have to leave smoking in order to normalize your blood pressure.
Reduce your stress:
Stress, depression and anxiety are the major disorders which causes serious changes in our body and these affect our mental health and as well as our body health. These causes many diseases. Hypertension is one of them.
Quit alcohol:
Alcohol also increases the blood pressure so you must have to quit the use of alcohol. A study has shown that your blood pressure can drop down to 4 mmHg after quitting blood pressure level.